*#*#*#*#*#*#*SPOILER ALERT*#*#*#*#*#*#

You have been warned.

(Photo from EP Facebook. Creator listed on image)

This will probably make more sense to you if you actually go and read the chapter. We will be wicked fucking surprised if you haven't, because that would basically make you the only person in FFLand not reading this story.
So if you are have just arrived back on this planet after an alien abduction we would first like to welcome you back ::waves:: and tell you that we have a black president… he is the cat's pajamas; and EP owns us hardcore.

Here's the linkage http://kharizzmatik-ep.blogspot.com/?zx=4b7045b0db0c7361

Our first discussion is ongoing, because this fic is IP (In Progress).
Emancipation Proclamation is near and dear to our hearts. We have been reading this story since it was only about 10 chapter in and have followed Isabella (aka Vulnerbella) and Edward (aka Mafiaprinceward; he tweets if you are interested) from the very start. When we see that EP has posted we drop everything for it. I won't tell you some of the places we have snuck off to read this crack, because you might think less of us. We needed our fix so fuck off.
Without further bullshit and whatnot… here is what we had to say about chappy 71.

WARNING! If you are looking for some beautiful example of the English language YOU.ARE.IN.THE.WRONG.FUCKING.PLACE.

Robandi69: What did you think about EP?
Mrs.Ficward: Aaawww shiiiiit. I can't BELIEVE they all made it out of that. I know things look grim but I assumed one of them would have gotten shot in the head. Carlizzle has to multitask like a mothafuckah to get all those peeps out alive.
Robandi69: LOL! I knew one of our dudes would die but holy gunfight batman! Edward was gonna walk in there like "helloz, gimme my girl" lol I hope that Alec lives for Esme's sake
Mrs.Ficward: Dude, I nearly threw my computer @mafiaprinceward for that stupid ass move. Areyoufuckinkiddgmerightnow?!?!?!?! Booooy u can't be that dumb. I love how Edwards & Royce are looking for 2 weeks and ain't found shit, but WOOP WOOP Dr C and Alec crack the case in like 15 minutes.
Robandi69: Bahahaha I know! Just shows how immature Edward & Royce are. I also think there are holes in the initiation and Aro is a SHADY moe foe!!
Mrs.Ficward: I think that Aro knows who Isabella is...I just have a feeling he would rather her die. I want to punch him in the junk every time he says he's out of this shit. Carlisle was soooo much like Edward in this chapter, and at first, I thought maybe Khar was in an Edward frame of mind, but once MPW showed up it just showed that Edward is like Daddy C...ya know? It's actually really cool how she can do that as a writer. BTW, shouldn't Bella be MafiaPrincessElla now instead of VulnerBella? Say that 3 times fast!
Robandi69: LOL! You make vera good points! I hope once Bella comes out of her Drug Stupor we will see some MafiaPrincessElla
Mrs.Ficward: I think it should be her POV next, right? She probably didn't even hear all the shit going on I'm sure it will be Edwards though. I wonder if we're even close to the end...
Robandi69: At this point I have no predictions, it could drag on or it could be over in a few chapters with a leap in time?? I have a feeling Aro is going down.
Mrs.Ficward: Aro going down and Carlisle's trial is what makes me think it will go on for a while. Will Aro let Edward finish high school? Can they still live in Forks house since it was raided? At least if they go back Bella will have something to occupy her mind by cleaning up the place...cuz you know that mess will drive her insane.
Robandi69: I like the fact that I have no predictions for the story; It can go so may ways.
Mrs.Ficward: I know! I could seriously talk about the "what ifs" for hours.
Robandi69: I know!! Do you think Alec will die?
Mrs.Ficward: For Esme's sake, I really hope not. He's all she has. Carlisle is gonna be tossed in the slammer again though cuz he has to bring them all to the hospital. Well, unless he just gets them stable and then has Edward take them. They can blame it on the gangs.
Robandi69: Yeah! Alec needs a hospital big time! This story is off the hizzy! I love it!
Mrs.Ficward: I cant wait another month for an update, I just cant. Dear EP Gawds make Khar write every day until the story is complete. Luff Me. What's that? She has a life… oh that's right. I sometimes forget that these authors don't exist solely for the purpose of writing me a story.
Robandi69: I cant wait another month!!! ::rubs hand over face::

2 Response to

  1. you guys are adorable, can't wait to read more! Fellow FF Obsessed fangirl

    JLB0017 (pinkmommyof2)

  2. Unknown says:

    To funny! You guys are awesome for doing this!


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