High Anxiety by EdwardsBloodType {Story In Progress}
FF.net: Cute, trendy Bella returns home to escape the heartache of her past. She immediately befriends neighbors Jasper and Edward, bonding with them in the tree house out back. Bella and Edward discover they have more in common than they ever dreamed of. AH A/U
High Anxiety Chapter 37
Since Mrs.Ficward and I are starting our blog in the middle of IP stories we are just going to pick up where we read the story last and post our convos as we read. **IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS STORY BEFORE Chapter 37 STOP READING*** Go to the link above and read this story because if were reading it then it is totes awesomesauce. Warning: As usual correct grammar is not used, like it or leave it sucka! :o)
!*!*!*!*!*!*SPOILERS BIG TIME, BIG TIME SPOILERS*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
Tuesday April 27th 8:47 Am
MF: Read HA's update its awesomeness
RB: :: wipes sleep out of eye to respond:: I just got up, HA updated?! WOOP!! Wait, Shit I have to read last week's update first. Haa haa no cliffy for me!
RB: (Chapter 36s update) Awwww I love Edward's letter to Bella…..Awwww He is singing to her.
RB: Ok Started new update, I am excited cos I think that Edward is going to get good new news!!!!!
MF: ::zips lips::
RB: Yayayayayayay So excited. Ok be back later with thoughts. Edward & Co just walked into the court room to see Charlotte & Co and found out Char went to the nut hut, WOWza! Cant. Read. Fast. Enough
MF: I know! I feel kinda bad for her. [Charlotte] She has no one stable, with her mom always telling her she's fat, and the abusive Boyfriend. [Peter]
RB: I know, it had to of eaten her alive since Edward was her BFF and she was made to go through with the rape confession, under her boyfriends abusive threats.
RB: ::finished chapter, Doing the Truffle Shuffle::, I am so glad my stories are out of the HF Emo parts!
RB: They are so gonna Bang it out! I loved this fucking chapter; I knew it was going to be a good court visit cos I had faith!!! Poor Edward I thought he was going to shat his pants.
MF: WOOHOO! Something is going to happen to prevent the bang! Lmao. I will be soooo pissed. Please oh Please EBT let them get doooooown!
RB: They need to go to a fucking field and bang with no one around.
MF: The tree house!!! Go to the tree house so you can't be interrupted.
RB: LOL. They can have smexy time in Barbie's Play House.
RB: I loved how Bella ran to him after school, and jumped into his arms, such an awesome reunion.
MF: OMG! I was all but screaming LOOK UP!! HE CAN TOUCH YOU!!!!
MF: I was so scared the cocksucker Judge was going to say "Oh wellz I still no likey rich kids so keep your dick dry till your girl is 18 mwahahahaha"
RB: If the Judge was going to be a douche I would have thrown my BlackBerry out the fucking window, run down 2 flights of stairs and stomp on the motherfucker.
RB: If I were Bella I would be straddling Edward's lap 24/7
RB: Oh Oh Oh they can get their prom pictures taken at prom, and dance and do normal shit. Gosh I am so happy that I didn't get heartburn reading this story this time!
MF: I know! Maybe they will have cliché prom night "I can finally fuck you sex"
MF: Carlizzle was sooo funny telling E to wrap it before he taps it.
RB: Bahahahaa at Em and Jazz giving E condoms, they are such dudes. Then Bella says YAY you can touch me, let's go Fuck STAT.
MF: I know! I was sooo happy she was all "Nah we aint gonna wait. Take me home sparkle peen!"
MF: They are going to get in so much trubbs cuz they'll be banging it out all the fucking time. PUN.INTENDED!
MF: Bella is on the Pill so they don't *have* to use a condom. I'm guessing they won't the first time. They wanna be skin to skin with all the shiz they been through.
RB: Bahahah you think of everything you perv. But according to AA5 if they wrap it up wit will last longer.
MF: Oh dude, you just reminded me of the shiz, it's gonna be fast lolz. All the pent up sexual tension will come to blows. ß I am so gross.
RB: Predictions? Have any?
MF: This is hard to predict. I know there are quite a few chappys left and that there is more angst to come. After what they been through with all the Tanya and drug bullshit I just can't see either of them having that kind of trouble again. I'm going to say Charlie becomes a douche and the house gets sold.
RB: Yeah it's hard to tell what's gonna happen. Maybe something with Peter? I hope Bella's house doesn't get sold, it will hurt my heart. Baby Cullen needs to be born. I'm sure E&B will start looking into the future since they will be seniors. I wonder of Edward will get scouted for his Baseball skillz.
MF: Oh you're probably right. Phil is a pro ball player…maybe Renee and Phil visit and Phil sees Edward = money with his pitching.
RB: Good point, I totes forgot Phil was a pro baller.
MF: This is the first time I have smiled in a looooong time reading this fic. Usually I am clutching my chest because my heart hurts.
You guys are awesomesauce! Love the banner as well!!
HA makes me full of anxiety when I read it, so glad we are getting smut (and E is getting condoms @ every turn) but I do not think HF is over Bella's house is still up for sale right?
Yup... house is still up for sale. Hopefully we will have an update soon :-)